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Lynch Committed to Raising Awareness of Mental Health

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Too often, people who experience a mental health problem are also expected to take the lead on talking about mental health in the wider sense. Mind, one of the UK’s leading mental health charities is trying to change this and encourage everyone to talk about mental health with their #TimetoTalk, which took event which took place on Thursday 7th February.

Lynch recognised this important day by encouraging employees to talk more about mental health. So on that Thursday morning three morning sessions were arranged with refreshments at three of our locations. These sessions were led by Emery Roosburg at Hemel, Steven Sutch at Stanmore and Andy Burrows at our Northampton depot. Attendance was optional and those staff that did wish to participate were offered the opportunity to come together to talk about their experiences in a supportive environment.

Emery, Steven and Andy all reported back that the attendees found the discussion helpful in breaking down some of the barriers associated with mental health and confirmed further initiatives like these are planned for the future.

Mental health problems affect one in four of us, yet many still find the subject too daunting to talk about. For people suffering with mental health problems, not being able to talk about it can be one of the worst parts of the illness.

By getting people talking about mental health, Lynch hopes we can break down stereotypes, improve relationships, aid recovery and take the stigma out of something that affects us all. Mental Health is an important subject to all at Lynch and one that the management team is committed to raising awareness about and ensuring the conversation around the issue continues to be highlighted, especially within and throughout the construction industry.

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